Monday, November 29, 2010


 So I feel like rambling about this game that I recently started playing, Minecraft. Its pretty straight forward, but I will walk you through the experience.

You wake up. Endless trees, sand, grass, dirt, caves, mountains, oceans, lakes, trees and other wilderness.

Your job is to take what this world gives you and make anything you can possibly imagine.

You start by punching the hell out of trees. Destroy as many trees as possible. Once you have punched many trees, punch some more. Once you think you have enough wood, you open your inventory and you use your 2x2 crafting grid and make some logs from the tree trunk pieces. From those logs, craft a crafting workbench, which allows you to now use a 3x3 crafting grid.

From here you make some pickaxes, and gather cobble stone, coal and whatever to make further instruments and other stuff. Once you get done mining, crafting, smelting and what not, you just build, build, build.

I am trying to think of new things that I want to build.

Right now I have built a home, a 1-to-1 scale model of the Tower I work at which took over 7,500 pieces of cobblestone, am currently clearing out an area that is 60x60 and 90 deep to make Evangelion's Geofront. But with just clearing out that area taking so long I get bored and have to make more things. I also made a glass tower with two spiral staircases, one with water and one with lava going down to the base. 


Well here goes my B-Card. Blog virginity... Get it?

So this is the first time I have written on one of these and I am not quite sure what to say. Do I start rambling about my day? What will happen later on? Further describe myself?

Well I think that I should at least start with why I even decided to start this. No, it was not from a friend or seeing it on another site. I just felt that I needed to voice my thoughts to strangers and get some feedback. Be it positive, negative, humor, or just randomness. I just think I needed a change of pace.

So recently, my life has been somewhat hectic. In the Army, which is fucking horrible by the way! If people decide to join it, think to yourself first: "Would I like to work like fucking crazy, have little to no real freedoms and the ones you do have are fucking limited?" Sound good? Oh yeah. Now you are going: "But John, you are serving your country and doing the world some good!" PFT! The world would be the same if I never even joined and thinking that you really even make a difference is so fucking naive.

Don't get me wrong, in this state of economy, if you can't score a good job to pay for college, after college, or even removing the whole college part completely, the Army is a fiscally secure bet.

Money really does make the world go round I guess.

I joined the Army National Guard back in '05 when I was 17 and now I am almost 23 and have transferred to Active duty and am in South Korea.

This is both the best and worst idea of my entire life. I love Korea, the natives, learning about different societies and just getting to really go out and get fucking lost in a land where they barely know English. If they do know it, 90% of the time they are either too shy to help or you both get confused in some sort of translation gibberish cluster fuck.

Come Dec 8th I start my 19th month in Korea and I don't want to leave. Most of the people in America have all but maintained a strong friendship. I lived in SC immediately prior to coming to Korean and only 1 person from there really even attempts to maintain some fucking sort of communication. Not like it is so fucking hard to go on to Facebook and write on a wall "Hey dude, how is the weather?" I mean come on guys. This shit is not fucking hard.

I would personally like to thank Derek Fowler, Sarah Kirchoff, Dave Williamson, Mike Read, Laurana Harper, my wonderful mother DeAnda Bentley, all my lovely sisters, Masa Dexter, Jess Pelosi, and Kayla Bridge. You are the only people who I can truly say knew me before I left and contact me regularly.  You all have stuck by my side throughout my ENTIRE time in Korea and provided not only comforting words but fun thorough conversations, a source to vent to and just over all showed me how a friend should be. You don't have to but you do anyway. It may not be daily or even weekly, but you make sure to let me know that you are out there and are excitedly awaiting my return. It means more to me than you will realize.

If I forgot anyone, don't worry, I thank you too for your support as well. You all are amazing. But you know who you are if I have to try and chase after you just to keep in touch. That shit fucking sucks. It makes me doubt your feelings of our friendship.

Well I think that this was a pretty good rant.

If anyone out there reads this and feels they wanna hear more, give me some ideas on what to write about as this is still very new and pretty difficult to do. I don't think I have written this much since High School. Hahaha.