Monday, May 23, 2011

The Final Countdown

So here it is, my last two weeks in Korea. This place has been both the most exciting and knowledgable time I have had as well as one that really opened my eyes to how some people really can be. Despite the crappy things that have happened while I was here, the good things overpower it. I learned so much about the Korean natives and made some amazing friends and reunited with old ones.

I don't really have much to say right now, I just read a friends blog and decided that I have gone too long without updating this.

Currently I am trying to master creating the "Wah wah wah" dubstep base sound so that I can really get on the ball about composing music again. I think that I really am going to enjoy writing dub a lot more than simple D&B.

Well everyone, expect more to come soon.

Monday, January 31, 2011


So yeah,

I know I haven't posted here in a while. What's that? You didn't notice? Oh well...

I am feeling so fucking frustrated as of lately and  I am constantly finding myself having to think about each thing I want to say to make sure I don't come off as a complete asshole.

I love how I can be constantly blamed for EVERYONE'S mistakes. Its like "HEY LOOK! JOHN WOULD MAKE AN AWESOME VESSEL TO PLACE THE BLAME... GOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Well you know what I think about that? GO FUCK YOURSELF! You fucking assholes place yourselves so much higher than me that you think you are fucking perfect. Well, just so you know, you are so fucking far from that that it is HILARIOUS!

If you are now thinking to yourself "What the fuck did I do?" Take this with a grain of salt and just keep reading. Most of you are fine. But for the few that like to constantly try to get some kind of reaction from me, keep pushing and I am just gonna shut down and disregard everything.

You make it seem like I can talk about whatever I need to, but once I do you get pissed off and defensive. Now you wonder why I never go to you with things. It is because I have actual people in my life who give a shit about me without constantly thinking of themselves. I cherish these people most. You know who you are.

Well this venting has been good. Now for me to get back to the task at hand.


Friday, January 7, 2011


This is going to be the strangest and ever so slowly dragging on blog ever.
   yep. this is happenin, broken grammar, spelling,  and everything else.
Just writing down random things that make my mind feel at ease. When I close my eyes and type this I feel like I am at another place.

Its rather warm where I am now. Not too warm but not nearly cool enough to not sweat. Okay, siting in a (P)Leather recliner makes you get overly hot. I really just don't mind it though. I just sit here and relax and type nonsense to you crazy people I like to call "The Audience."

Do YOU have what it takes to be a Pokemon master?! lol, I have been playing Pokemon  Fire Red at work recently and it has been amazing. I had no idea that Ubuntu had a gameboy advance emulator. But it does :) and it is called VisualBoyAdvance. That progran can ve used on windows and what not but due to the fact my laptop  doesn't see much action, it plays that emulator so smoothly that it is really really nice.

I can't wait for my birthday! Hill had her birthday dinner at puffins and then we went to the nudaebang(Korean for Karaoke) . Seeing her celebrate her birthday made me more excited for mine!

I also would like to give a shout out to my baby sis, Joy, for she helped me acquire my super nerdy awesome motorized AT-AT WALKER~!!!!

Well I think that is enough rambling, keep it real and don't miss me too bad! :P

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I hate Mondays!

So today is the first day back to work and it is a new week. A new year. One year closer to leaving Korea and one year closer to leaving the Army.

I cannot express the ammount of exhaustion that I had yesterday. The new years holiday was one party after the next. My body is literally sore from all the crap  that I had consumed. xP

The first thing I need to really express is that everyone needs to fucking see Tron as soon as possible if they have not done so already. The movie is sooooooooo awesome :3. See it in 3-D if you can!  The colors and sounds and digital effects are so crazy!

Next of all is thanks for everyones rediculous attempts in trying to hook me up on New Years. If I really wanted that now I would have tried so myself. I appreciate the gesture but you guys are crazy. :P

I am so fortunate to have the friends in my life that I do. This hoiliday would have been so lonely without you all. I can't even really express how much it means to me. Helping you all and doing what I can to make your guy's life better has been great. I love the fact that when I reach out for help you all are there to help me along and I am able to return the favor.

I really miss everyone in the states so much. I can't wait until I am home with you all and we can spend some quality time toghether. I just hope that I have long enough tune off of work before I have to go to my nest duty station and finish my last 10 months in the Army.

I cant voice my excitement enough about getting out of the Army. It is like getting out of jail. Each day closer seems like one day closer to living the dream that I have always wanted. Whick is to be free and to have a family and just live my days as a normal shmuck working a normal job and whatnot.

I know this post has just been me rambling really but it has been nice. Everyone needs someone to vent to every once in a while. Ugh, I am so mad that I slept through my alarm and ended up at work late. Not to mention that I have chapped lips and its really hurts.

Well I guess I should be going. That is enough of my useless rambling. I will be back on here soon enough to let you all know what is going down in my life.

Talk to you all again soon. :D